Kids and Spouses
This year’s family program – or should we rather say «Young ALE» program – will be full of highlights. To mention a few: Young ALEiens will have a hike in Zürich’s «centre of excellence for wilderness», with a traditional Swiss barbecue in the forest (if the hot and dry weather allows.) We call it «Würschtli brätle». We will see all kinds of European animals – wolf, bear, and dear amongst others. And ALEiens!
Hand crafting jewelry from recycling materials; programming a game at a real Kids Coder Dojo, led by an experienced facilitator; a trip to the city of Zurich with all kinds of public transport vehicles; and of course swimming in the beautiful, clean and natural lake, «Zürisee.» – be sure to bring your swimming gear! (As should everyone else, too!)
What’s true for all of us, is true for Young ALEiens: Be prepared to be surprised!
But don’t tell the other ALE participants, or they would abandon the unconference to join you instead. Some will anyway. And that’s great.
The kids’ program will be hosted by Samira, a multilingual young local woman with a big interest in children (and humans in general) from various countries and cultures
Share Your Ideas!
Do you have a question? Or an idea how to improve the kids’ experience? Let us know!