Keynote Seed Sessions
Power Transformance
We've invited a UPATE keynote presenters to share an inspiring or thought-provoking presentation with the entire marketplace in the great marketplace hall as part of the ALE18 "Open Space First" program of the ALE18. We're inviting you to mix the keynote ideas with your own, as you continuously create a program that fully explores your questions.
We've Invited These Keynote Presentations
to mix into our marketplace
Doing not Talking: an Experiential Keynote
Adam St. Lawrence and Markus Hormess, (co-authors This is Service Design Doing) will deliver an experiential keynote using business methods drawn from the professional theatre.
Some keynotes you hear. This keynote you will do.
Going Where No-One Has Gone Before
Mirette Kangas (Head of Lean Agile Development YLE) and Antti Kirjavainen (cofounder and coach for the Lean Agile Accelerator at YLE) report on their experience of measurement-focused Enterprise Lean and Agile transformations at the Finnish Broadcasting Company.
When their transformation extends beyond the digital business to the journalistic, entertainment, and creative production sides of the house they realise it’s up to YLE to create agile benchmarks in these areas …
“We have travelled a long way, and we’re still at the beginning of our transformation story.”
Holding Space for Change
In Our Closing Keynote, Deborah Preuss asks: “What happens when you take the excitement of learning at ALE back to your workplace?”
The new practices you’ve learned can help, but the real magic lies in making room for new ways to take root – facilitators call it “holding space.”
In addition we've cultivated a few more 'seed sessions' to trickle through the open spaces in the program. We're limiting the number of seed sessions to be sure we provide abundant space for everything that emerges.
The Cost Of Fear
As part of our organisations, how much do we invest into actions that represent collective re-actions to unconfirmed threat scenarios—even when those activities add little value to the desired outcomes?
Oana Junco will take you through several engaging activities inspired by Theory U. Through these activities you will be able to reflect on the drama triangle and the Theory U’s protocol of change …
So You Think You Know Retrospectives?
Corinna Baldauf covers the
Themes: Retrospectives, Agile Practice, tutorial, facilitation
Draw me a process… for my Kanban!
Viviane Morelle demonstrates how she facilitates a workshop with to define the process of an organisation —thanks to the power of visual thinking. In a just few minutes, the team will draw its global process which will help develop alignment and empathy among team members.
Participate in this quick workshop with Viviane to experience some answers.
Themes: Visual thinking, interculturality, alignment , empathy, process, kanban
Check out all the 'seed sessions' or read more about our open space first program.