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Principle: Transparency

11th June 2018 by Timo


Agile Lean Europe is an unconference unlike any other. It’s organised by a team of volunteers for the community. Each year by a different team, this is. Every participant pays their share, including organisers and people holding seed sessions. Most of the day program is collaborative learning in Open Space format

In other words: ALE belongs to us all.

As the organising team, we’re stewarding the event this year, but it’s not ours. We take your money in order to responsibly build the framing for  another amazing community event like no one before. Everyone in the community should know what’s going on. Everybody should be able to see what we’re doing in preparation.

From the beginning we have therefore made our work visible for people interested to see what’s going on. Our most recent step is the registration statistics. It’s rudimentary, but it is there. Check it out to see how people are signing up. Interpret. Act. It’s yours!

Next up: The budget.

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