Workshop: The Cost Of Fear
Presenter: Oana Junco
Time: Friday 10:00 - 11:45
Zürich 1 & 2
Session Type: Extended Workshop
Duration: 1 hour 45 Minutes
How much do we—as part of our organisations—invest into actions that represent collective reactions to unconfirmed threat scenarios—even when those activities add little value to the desired outcomes?
If you've ever felt frustrated within your organisation because you play through the same irritating scenarios over and over this workshop might be for you.
Oana will take you through several engaging activities inspired by Theory U. Through these activities you will be able to reflect on the drama triangle and the Theory U's protocol of change and how they might be relevant to your scenarios.
Oana has written on this topic at InfoQ: The Cost of Fear in Organisational Change.
Session Type: Extended Workshop
Duration: 1 hour 45 Minutes
Speaker's Bio
Oana Juncu likes to call herself an Agile Business DJ, who mixes whatever practices of collective intelligence, from Agile to TheoryU so that she helps people, teams and organisations become proud of their outcomes and delight their customers! 15 years of experience in Software Development and System Management has driven Oana to embrace an Agile and Lean mind set, principles and practices, that she believes are the most effective approaches for 21st century lead organizations willing to focus on quality products with high impact on the market. She's founder of cOemerge, a company helping large or smaller clients grow Agility and an entrepreneurial mindset through Lean Startup.
Oana is a frequent speaker seen all over the world. She also remains close to the heart of the ALE Unconference and has been an active part of the ALE community since the inaugural event in Berlin 2011. Our first glimpse of her was was in Berlin working to setup the room for the first keynote.
(bio cribbed form InfoQ)
About the Program
This conference is different. We have a guiding theme, but we don't have a fixed program. You will create the program and agenda together at the event so that it emerge around your business needs and our theme.
Open Space Technology
Open Space that provides just enough structure to create the program, plan the outcomes, and design for participation — together.
Seed Sessions
'Seed Sessions' are an ALE tradition. They are a few prepared sessions and a daily keynote, which have been designed in advance to offer the seed germs of an idea for cultivation.
Power Transformance
Our theme is Power Transformance. It signals a basic shift in the power of our work environments using Lean and Agile principles to create change, renewal, and transformation.