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Pre ALE18 Wowshops

Today is a perfect day to learn something new! While you’re in Zürich for ALE18, take the opportunity to participate in one of the pre-conference classes on Tuesday, August 21! What a chance to learn from the experts!

The facilitators and trainers—Anna, Markus, Vasco, and Steve—are also joining the ALE18 Unconference themselves, so you’ll have the chance to catch up, double check, and deepen new connections after the training day.

The Wowshops are offered directly by the trainers and facilitators. For your registration you’ll be redirected to their respective signup pages.

Create Your Playbook  for Winning Teams

with Steve Holyer

This is a gamerunner training for the Agile Fluency Game simulation. Understand the progression, costs and benefits of your continuous agile transformation. Don't just play the game, take it home ready to play, and ready to start new conversations about your agile progression for focussing on value, delivering it, and optimising it.

Coaching Tired Teams

with Anna Obukhova

When you are working with tired, exhausted or even burned-out teams, they do need special treatment, usually counterintuitive to the coaches. Learn about my special set of actions, taken from the medical practice, powered with neuroscience and tailored to work with exhausted people!

NoEstimates and NoProjects

with Vasco Duarte

Deliver more value in less time! From breaking down 9 month projects to 30 minutes, to learning to reduce investment risks. In this workshop you will learn how to transform your product development.

Kanban System Design

with Markus Wissekal

In this two days Training you’ll experience principles and practices that are the foundation of the Kanban method. By the end of day 2, you’ll have mastered one of the most effective methods of change (Evolutionary Change Management) that you can apply from the start of the next day.

Workshop Venue: Sihlhof

The Pre ALE18 Wowshops will all be held at Sihlhof, ideally located right next to Zürich main station, home to college SIB (Swiss Business Institute, Schweizerisches Institut für Betriebsökonomie). Their brand new workshop rooms are fully equipped and will provide a perfect setting for your learning.


Our sponsors help us make ALE18 awesome by donating time, money and materials. Most of all, they show they care for our community of learners. Thank you all!

All day caffeine supply on Wednesday!
All day caffeine supply on Thursday!
Our fantastic Kraftwerk venue!

The employers of the organising committee team members allowed for significant investments in time to set up an ALE18 to rock!

All day caffeine supply on Wednesday!