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Closing Keynote  Holding Space for Change

Presenters:  Deborah Preuss


The Power of Personal Stance for Leading Organisational Change

What happens when you take the excitement of learning at ALE back to your workplace? Leading change can be stressful, the workplace a conflicted cacophony of mixed messages. Policy, gossip, power, tradition, habit, fears and expectations count as much as, or more than, anything you'll say.

Amidst all this noise, how can you show up with confidence, and remain a tireless breeze of fresh air that inspires new growth?

The new practices you've learned can help, but the real magic lies in making room for new ways to take root - facilitators call it "holding space." In fact, most agile practices are designed to "hold space" for change ... but if you show up in a way that closes down that space, for yourself and for others, then your agile practices are neutered.

Deborah will show how change models, from Lao Tse to Satir to Ulab, offer us ways to show up confidently and congruently to inspire courageous change in the workplace. The good news is that holding space starts inside you. You can start right away, and you'll enjoy it - and others will take notice!

Keynote Speaker's Bio

Deb Hartmann Preuss (rhymes with rejoice) shifts workplaces by helping key influencers bring more joy and impact by leaning into their own unique brilliance. She's an ICF certified Co-Active life coach, working one-on-one with change leaders and coaches worldwide via phone and internet, in three languages, at .

We asked Deb what excited her about spending 4 days in Zurich for ALE and she said,  "I've learned so much from this community - I'm looking forward to giving back some of what I've learned in my journey to understand fear, courage and, especially, kindness to self and others."

About the Program

This conference is different. We have a guiding theme, but we don't have a fixed program. You will create the program and agenda together at the event so that it emerge around your business needs and our theme.

Open Space Technology

Open Space that provides just enough structure to create the program, plan the outcomes, and design for participation — together.

Seed Sessions

'Seed Sessions' are an ALE tradition. They are a few prepared sessions and a daily keynote, which have been designed in advance to offer the seed germs of an idea for cultivation.

Power Transformance

Our theme is Power Transformance. It signals a basic shift in the power of our work environments using Lean and Agile principles to create change, renewal, and transformation.